The Inspiring Kathryn Shaw of Rattamatatt

Introducing Kathryn Shaw of Rattamatatt.

Mother of three, slow fashion entrepreneur, champion of custom fabric printing, content creator and creative all rounder Kathryn is the designer, sewer and marketer of print based local fashion brand Rattamatatt.

Kathryn is a heart warming example of a mother and a woman trying to find balance and keep the creative business cup full.

Showcasing a pink printed dress on a romantic picnic.
Kathryn Shaw of brand Rattamatatt sitting with her daughter on the beach
Kathryn with her youngest, Dottie.
Kathryn Shaw of brand Rattamatatt wearing a printed dress from the Next State Artwork library by Marni Stuart
Kathryn wearing Rattamatatt featuring print by Marni Stuart from the Next State Artwork Library.
Flower dress of brand Rattamatatt in a flay lay image with a purse
Rattamatatt is slow fashion and accessories. Print by Brooke Gossen
Kathryn Shaw of brand Rattamatatt with her Son standing in the lounge at home
Family first, Kathryn and her eldest son.
Kathryn Shaw of brand Rattamatatt weasring a custom printed fabric dress sitting on a picnic blanket
Kathryn creates all her own content and is the star of her Instagram.
Kathryn Shaw of brand Rattamatatt wearing a printed top by Eloise Short. She is standing in a green field.
Wearing custom print Rattamatatt top featuring design from the Next State Artwork Library. Australian Fungi by Eloise Short
Kathryn Shaw of brand Rattamatatt wearing a bright pink dress standing in a. doorway smiling.
Kathryn is empowering women to elevate their colourful sustainable style.
Kathryn Shaw of brand Rattamatatt holding some coat hangers with fashion tops on one with a print by Cecilia Mok from the Next State Artwork Library.
Handcrafted fashion. Each piece is lovingly made by Kathryn and champions local print designer. Featured here is print by Cecilia Mok
Kathryn Shaw of brand Rattamatatt wearing a floral custom print dress. She is holding the dress out to the side and the prink is by Anika Cook.
Kathryn re-works her timeless styles with new prints. Fashion doesn’t have to change with the seasons or years. Featured here is Flowers print by Anika Cook

So firstly we need to acknowledge you are a super hero by running your own business and raising three beautiful children. What is your recipe for making this work?

Oh gosh, there is no recipe I have sorted- If you have one, feel free to pass it on!! Each stage of the kids brings new challenges and busyness, and we just try to make it work best! The hours between 9-3 used to be super productive, but they’re much less so now with the littlest. So, I have just changed up how I’m doing things: smaller releases and not on a set date schedule, just going with the flow seems to be the motto for the last few years.

It’s a privilege for children to have a creative and business mum. What lessons would you like the kids to learn from your experince?

I was lucky that my parents both owned and ran a successful florist business whilst I was growing up. I was exposed to creativity, shown how to work hard and develop business skills. I really hope that I can pass all that on to my kids too. I’d love for them to think outside the square in whatever they go on to do after school.

My eldest daughter started an Etsy shop selling accessories she made when she was 7 because she loved making and needed an outlet. I hope she keeps that joy of creating for fun forever, and if she gets to enjoy it and make a business out of it in the future, then that’s an awesome thing to have achieved. All 3 show their creativity in different ways and I hope they never lose that love of making, in whatever form that takes in the future.

What does a regular day look like in the running of the family and Rattamatatt?

Well, it’s a bit different now than it was 2 years ago with my littlest addition. But mornings are driven by the school routine so we breakfast, and make lunches, wave off my husband and big 2 and then Dottie and I hang out, go for walks or the beach, try to squeeze in some kind of exercise and then when it’s nap time I work as much as possible. That 1 and a half hours can be cutting, sewing, planning, packing or filming reels. As much as I can in that time.

Then I switch back to mum mode for the afternoon of soccer drop off’s, dinner prep, baking snacks for the next day. We try to prioritise family dinner together and then once the smallest is in bed, I usually start back up again for a few hours. It’s disjointed, but works for now and Rattamatatt makes me so happy so will squeeze it on whenever I can!

You are a champion of slow and ethical manufacturing. Why is this so important to you?

I was lucky enough over my time in the fashion industry to have visited about 100 factories overseas. I saw all kinds of conditions and factories and thankfully over time, they improved ethically in the way they made products and the way staff were treated. I respect who I work with, we all bring different skills to the table. it’s important to work with people who are aware of their impact and do the most they can, to be the best they can. We all play a role in making a difference environmentally, so making and printing for order for me is just a part of that.

Focussing on less wastage and encouraging thoughtful purchases. I’m also aware that one size doesn’t it all, so because I make to order, I can customise lengths or sizes to suit where I can.

Rattamatatt is a print focused brand. What do you look for when deciding on a print to add to a new release of garments?

I am always drawn to colourful prints, and there’s so many in the Next State library. I love to choose bold, striking prints that make a bit of a statement. Prints that you’d hopefully have in your wardrobe for a very long time. 

What are you pumped about for Rattamatatt in the coming months – any exclusives you can share?

I like to add new shapes to keep things interesting so I’m looking forward to getting onto making those patterns. And as for prints, I have some beautiful prints coming that are all about texture in the design, they’re going to be such fun pieces to wear so can’t wait to share those soon!

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Discover more about Kathryn Shaw