NS Print Club

We are so thrilled to launch our VIP program, NS Print Club.

Eight years ago husband and wife duo Geoff and Chole started Next State from a little factory in Abbotsford, Melbourne. Careful progression and growth has seen Next State build a wonderful small team of textile wizards and a fleet of digital textile printers.

Our relationships with customers is what really make Next State shine. Every morning the team gets together and talks about the day ahead and reflects on any stories to share. We get the privilege to work with incredible artists, designer and be a part of awe inspiring projects. knowing and seeing what becomes of a print is and endless thrill and is deeply satisfying.

Our vision is to change the way people consume textiles. At Next State you can print what you need, trial designs, increase speed of product delivery and make locally supporting local industry. Our customers have an open dialogue with us and we are proud to be launching NS Print Club just for them.

NS Print Club has been designed to reward our regular customers and small businesses. One of the great things about working locally is low minimums. We wanted to unlock our minimum order of 30m for a discount to apply to printing on different fabrics at different times in a month and still receive discounts.

NS Print Club is more than just getting a rebate we are offering free shipping on orders over $500 which is roughly 15m.

Perhaps you are just starting out and a super textile lover (like us) you can sign up to NS Print Club and we’ll keep you in the loop of sales, limited run fabrics for print and expert knowledge.