Free PDF Tote Pattern Download

Make a Bag of Scraps

Free PDF Tote Pattern Download

A tote bag laying flat surrounded by fabric scraps it was made from

Our Bag of Scraps free PDF tote pattern download is the perfect weekend project to use up all those cute little offcuts that you just can’t part with.

There were a few important features when were designing the Bag of Scraps pattern. A nice big pocket, a bigger than normal tote and multiple panels to mix and match!

Girl holding Free PDF Tote Pattern Download all sewn up
Free PDF Tote Pattern Download

Click the link below to access, Make a Bag of Scraps our Free PDF Tote Pattern Download

Click the link below to download the Make a Bag of Scraps sewing instructions.

The tote bag is fully lined and gives you the opportunity to mix and match patterns and fabrics to create a tonal or clashing look.

We have included the measurements of the bag for each pattern piece so you can self draft the pattern, if you don’t want to get the pattern printed.

When working in rectangular shapes, it gives you a great opportunity to customise the design. You can add extra seams or include a pocket on the inside.

A hand holding fabric printed by Next State

We made up our tote using fabric from our artwork library. We decided to select pieces of fabric that were of a similar weight. We decided not to worry to much about how it all looked, just dive in and experiment with the pattern mixing.

Featured in our Bag of Scraps free PDF tote pattern download is artwork by World of Mik, Cecilia Mok, and Elephant and Rose as featured in our Artwork Library.

This PDF Pattern is a great make for beginner or advanced. It is a pretty quick sew and could be a good way to make up some gifts ahead of time. You could pre cut lots pf panels and have a few bags all made up in a day.

As a sewer it is pretty hard to part with pieces of fabric, we have become pretty great at creating new products from even the smallest scrap. It’s such a common feeling among sewers and creatives, that little tightness in the throat at the thought of parting with something that could be made into something new. There is obviously a point where collecting all the little pieces becomes not a great plan. Ways to use scrap fabric is a really interesting thing to research and get inspired by. It was fun to check out this article with lots of ideas.

At Next State we are always printing off samples and cuttings of prints featured in our Artwork Library. We use then to take photos with so we can share pictures of how lovely the prints are and showcase the amazing talents of the artists in our library.

Folded fabric printed by Next State in a close up detail

Girl holding a printed tote bag with mixed up fabric prints
Girl holding a printed tote bag with mixed up fabric prints facing the front