Designer Profile

A close cropped portrait of the designer behind Folklore & Flora standing in front of a bushy plant with large purple flowers.
Name: Folklore & Flora
Location: Hawera, New Zealand
Design Style: Bold Floral / Abstract / Folk Art

I was born in the French province of Quebec, Canada on the south shore of Montreal. I lived for a little while in the South of France when I was at university and also moved to Scotland for a few years after that. I now reside in the beautiful Taranaki region of New Zealand at the base of a volcano. I live on a lovely little farmhouse where I grow my own veggies and keep a few free range chickens. I studied fine art in Cegep back in Canada, which is between high school and university. This was a broad study where we explored everything from painting to sculpture. I then switched to graphic design and obtained a bachelor’s degree in that field.

My inspiration comes from all the different colours and shapes in nature. I will draw and take pictures of flowers and plants I observe at the beach, on a walk, at the mountain, at the river or simply in my garden. It is so easy to find an interesting patterns in nature, it is everywhere.