Our curated artwork library allows you to print any artwork on any fabric, customised the way you like it.
Each artwork is created by professional designers and every meter sold pays commission to the artist.

Custom Fabric 'Wild Flowers Coord 5' by Mel Armstrong

Wild Flowers Coord 5

Mel Armstrong

Custom Fabric 'Wild Flowers Coord 6' by Mel Armstrong

Wild Flowers Coord 6

Mel Armstrong

Custom Fabric 'Wild Flowers Coord 2' by Mel Armstrong

Wild Flowers Coord 2

Mel Armstrong

Custom Fabric 'Flannel Flowers Repeat Deep Violet' by Eloise Short Design

Flannel Flowers Repeat Deep Violet

Eloise Short Design

Custom Fabric 'Flannel Flowers Repeat Ocean' by Eloise Short Design

Flannel Flowers Repeat Ocean

Eloise Short Design

Custom Fabric 'Bush Floral Repeat Multicolour' by Eloise Short Design

Bush Floral Repeat Multicolour

Eloise Short Design