Our curated artwork library allows you to print any artwork on any fabric, customised the way you like it.
Each artwork is created by professional designers and every meter sold pays commission to the artist.

Custom Fabric 'Australiana Lilac Blue Background' by Indigo Thread

Australiana Lilac Blue Background

Indigo Thread

Custom Fabric 'Wildflowers Christmas Pink' by Indigo Thread

Wildflowers Christmas Pink

Indigo Thread

Custom Fabric 'Wildflowers Christmas Kangaroo' by Indigo Thread

Wildflowers Christmas Kangaroo

Indigo Thread

Custom Fabric 'Baubles Blue Background' by Indigo Thread

Baubles Blue Background

Indigo Thread

Custom Fabric 'Wildflowers Christmas Collection Grevillia' by Indigo Thread

Wildflowers Christmas Collection Grevillia

Indigo Thread

Custom Fabric 'Wildflowers Christmas Pink Banksia' by Indigo Thread

Wildflowers Christmas Pink Banksia

Indigo Thread

Custom Fabric 'wildflowers Christmas Sturt Dessert Pea' by Indigo Thread

wildflowers Christmas Sturt Dessert Pea

Indigo Thread

Custom Fabric 'Xmas Koalas on Peacock Blue' by Ivy Helena

Xmas Koalas on Peacock Blue

Ivy Helena

Custom Fabric 'Xmas Possums on Orchid' by Ivy Helena

Xmas Possums on Orchid

Ivy Helena

Custom Fabric 'Xmas Possums on Alaskan Blue' by Ivy Helena

Xmas Possums on Alaskan Blue

Ivy Helena

Custom Fabric 'Tree Angels Pine Green' by Megan Isabella

Tree Angels Pine Green

Megan Isabella

Custom Fabric 'Tree Angels Pine Ginger' by Megan Isabella

Tree Angels Pine Ginger

Megan Isabella

Custom Fabric 'Tree Angels Forest Green' by Megan Isabella

Tree Angels Forest Green

Megan Isabella

Custom Fabric 'Partridge Pear Tree Olive' by Megan Isabella

Partridge Pear Tree Olive

Megan Isabella

Custom Fabric 'Partridge Pear Tree Ginger' by Megan Isabella

Partridge Pear Tree Ginger

Megan Isabella